“In strangers’ arms” di Beatriz Dujovne (Press)

In strangers' arms - The Magic of the Tango

“In strangers’ arms” di Beatriz Dujovne (Press)

http://www.mcfarlandpub.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-6389-3 – 2011 Some of my photos published in the book: “In strangers’ arms – The Magic of the Tango” di Beatriz Dujovne – Editor: McFarland & Co. Inc. Pub. (USA) The tango is easily the most iconic dance of the twentieth century and now of the twenty-first. This historical text peels back the propaganda that characterizes the dance, revealing both its true nature and that of the culture that created it. Topics covered include the tango’s earliest origins, the sexualization of the dance, its place in Argentinian culture, and the mythological prohibition against it. This work explores the tango’s unparalleled popularity, finding in it the irreducible universal: our common humanity and our creativesolidarity. Beatriz Dujovne was born and raised in Buenos Aires, and has lived half of her adult life in the American Midwest. She received a graduate degree in psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, and a PhD from the University of Missouri. She now dances in Buenos Aires and in the US. Endorsement: In March 2010, the governing body of the Buenos Aires National Academy of Tango endorsed this book as a vehicle for the enhancement and the dissemination of the national genre, the tango. Available in the USA at:  http://www.amazon.com/Strangers-Arms-Magic-Tango/dp/0786463899/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1312923473&sr=8-3 In Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, order from: The Eurospan Group, www.eurospangroup.com In Australia and New Zealand, order from: DA Information Services, www.dadirect.com In India, order from: Viva Books, www.vivagroupindia.net

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